Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

For this Halloween, we attended a Halloween parade and party in our new neighborhood. We did not make the parade because Collin did not want to get dressed. I did come prepared with two costumes in case he did not want to wear one of them. Well, he did not want to wear either of them. One was a skeleton which he called Bones and the other was a Longhorn football player. I almost had Bones on and decided he needed a shirt on underneath since it was getting cooler outside and his back was exposed. That started a Collin fit that lasted about 20 minutes. I finally go him to wear at least his Longhorn shirt but nothing else of that costume. We headed outside to find where the parade was and ended up meeting it from the opposite direction. The crowd headed our way was ENORMOUS. We underestimated what the parade and party would be like. There must have been at least 500 people there. They all ended up at a house that was ready with all sorts of dog, chips, and other snacks. Collin enjoyed some goldfish and watching the kids run by all dressed up. Eventually, the kids started to trick or treat down the street so we headed back to our new house. Collin did knock on our neighbor's door and got a big back of chocolate candy. Mommy and Daddy were happy to have that.....ate a few pieces while walking back to our house.

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