Saturday, November 14, 2009

Big Boy on the Potty

Collin has been wearing underwear during the day at school. Most days, he comes home with several bags of wet clothes because pee accidents during the day and he is wearing something different than what he left to school in. He does go in the potty but does not make it every time. He has also been sitting down to pee and not standing up like the big boys do.

Yesterday, when I picked him up, I noticed that he was wearing the clothes he left the house that morning in. I just thought that he must have worn diapers all day for whatever reason. I asked if he had a diaper on and she said "no". I must have had a shocked look on my face because she began to explain that he peed in the potty all day long. She taught him to stand up. I had to see it for myself. I asked Collin if he had to go potty before we got in the car. He said "yes" and then head to the bathroom. I peeked around the corner to see him pulling down his pants and then his underwear. He stood in front of the toilet, peed, flushed, pulled his underwear then pants up, left the restroom, washed his hands, dried them off and threw the paper towel in the trash car. I could NOT believe what I just saw. I told him that he was such a big boy and that I was really proud of him. He smiled and really like hearing that.

I left his underwear on knowing that we were going down the street to Matthew's for a quick visit. After playing together for about 30 minutes, it was time to go since Matthew's parents and he had to leave for church. I asked Collin if he had to potty and he said "yes". I took him to Matthew's bathroom and Collin proceeded to do the same thing he did at school just an hour before. Again, I told him he was a big boy.

I had to call and tell Grandma H, Daddy and Mimi what Collin just did. Now, we know he can do it consistently. Weekends are hard especially with all of the errands and going between both houses right now until we move but he seems to be catching on to this potty thing.

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