Saturday, November 28, 2009

Turkey Trot - Summary

We did the Turkey Trot 2.8 mile family walk Thanksgiving morning which we plan to do every year. Here we are before the walk. Collin is snug in his stroller because it was cold (about 48 degrees). Before it was time for the family walk, we sat at the finish line to watch the runners to come across the finish line thinking Collin would like this. He was more interested in watching the motorcycle and it's lights or the people sitting in the golf cart. It was time to line up to start the family walk and Collin was ready to his stroller.

Collin rode in the stroller most of the time until the last .5 miles. He wanted to get out and walk....except he ran instead. He does not run very straight either. He ran from one side of the street to the other. I was actually shocked he did not fall since he does most of the time when he runs fast like that. I enjoyed watching him run and laugh. He sure did think he was a big boy running with the rest of us. Here we are at the finish line. I was trying to show him that you have to raise your hands above your head when you finish to show that you are happy you are done. He was too busy checking out the people and the other kids.
We had such a great time. I cannot wait to do it again with the family next year.

1 comment:

Angy said...

That's awesome you guys were out there!! I didn't know you were going. It certainly was a chilly morning!!