Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Big Helper

Today, Collin was a big hep running errands with Daddy and helping Mommy get ready to paint. After breakfast and grocery shopping, we headed to Collin's house (what Collin calls the new house) so Mommy could paint. Collin has watched me a few times before get ready to paint so he knew that taping was first. He found the blue tape and wanted to help me tape his room to get ready for a second coat of paint. Here he is taping...and then getting really frustrated that the longer piece of tape started sticking to itself. He got made, shook his hand and made it even worse.

He and Daddy left to run some errands. They came back to pick me up and show me some ceiling fans they found and Daddy really liked. We did not initially get a cart thinking it might be a quick trip. Collin took advantage of this by running up and down the isles. There was a purpose to this running. He was trying to hide from me. Remember, he really likes to hide and have one of us come find him. Home Depot is a HUGE place to play hide-and-seek. Some of the employees got into it and started laughing at how hard Collin would laugh when I found him. Sometimes, he was not paying attention, so it really scared him at first. Well, we did find some ceiling fans during this time. Here is Collin helping Daddy push the cart. He used to like pushing his stroller when he first learned to walk. He has now graduated to carts.

Here Collin is instructing Daddy where to drive the cart after we got out of the store.

Update on the move: We should be moving in a week from tomorrow. The movers come Sunday to pack and then Monday to the new house to unpack. Most of the remodeling should be done. The painting is another story.....most of the rooms should be done which is better than trying to paint with furniture in the way.

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