Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Such a helpful little guy.

"I think the water is ready!" Ever since we took Collin Swimmin he likes the water. At night when we go upstairs to put him to bed I will let him down on the ground to crawl from the top of the stairs. He does not look back and heads straight for the Bathroom. That is usually where Mommie is getting the bathwater ready for you know who. Collin will crawl right up to the tub and pull himself up and watch the water fill up his tub. He knows Mommie is going to use the soap from the bottle so he will play with it and push it into the tub so she knows not to forget it.
Collin has a fish that winds up and the tail flutters but when he gets in the water the fish goes striaght to the mouth. I tease him and say that he is just like his mommie (A vegetarian that eats fish).
So anyways tonight we took a picture of Collin getting ready to get in the tub. Naked as the day he was born just not as messy and smilin not screemin. He has such a cute little bottom especially when it is clean. SO save this one for your "EMBARASS COLLIN FILE" We can't wait til he starts dating, He He he!!!

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