Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bicycle Weekend

Collin was surrounded by the smell of bike tires this weekend. Saturday, we went to the bike shop for several hours so I could work on the tax return (boring!!!). Collin was in his pack 'n play most of the time playing with the toys he has in there. A few times, I caught him watching the mechanics put the bikes together. There was a bike close to one side of the pack 'n play. I swear he was sniffing the tires at one point. Something about the tires, at least, caught his attention for some reason.

Collin had a great time with people stopping by to check him out and pay attention to him. He was bored a few times and started to try to figure out how to get out of the pack 'n play...or at least make me laugh. Here he is licking the side of the pack 'n play while he was talking to it.

That did not last too long because 5 minutes later or so, he was tired that his butt was still in the air!

That night, we had a date. Ryan and Yoko came over to watch Collin while we were out. We went to dinner and saw Iron Man. What a movie!!! It's a "must see" this summer. Collin took advantage of his babysitters and stayed up past 11pm! It was a treat for him to sleep until 8:30am the next morning though (9 hours, right on the usual).

This morning, we went to watch the bike races that were downtown. We took Collin in the jog stroller so I could get some exercise while I was out there. At one point, I took Collin out and sat him on the ground so he could have a change of scenery. After trying to climb all over me, he noticed the tires on the jog stroller. Yep, the tires caught his attention again. He squealed when he noticed them and started to slap them like he does when he is excited. He did eventually get bored of this so I took him for a walk. We stayed to watch two kids that we know from the bike shop. I guess we were out there a little too long for Collin though....

1 comment:

Maria said...

The pack n play photos are really funny.. I don't think I have ever seen a baby sleep with his but in the air.. he must have been tired.