Monday, May 26, 2008

Bedtime Ritual

Several of you have asked what Collin does before he goes to bed. Lately, after he eats dinner between 7:30pm and 8:30pm, I let him explore his room for a few minutes to let his food settle before it's time for a bath. Since he has been sick the last two weeks, I have included the vapor stuff in his water which does seem to help him breath a little better at night (and I do use the humidifier in his room). I get the bath water ready while Collin "walks" the outside of the tub.

Since he knows that he can walk around while holding onto objects, furniture, chairs and....especially mommy and daddy.
Anyway, he then plays in his bath a little while with his toy fish. I put a clean diaper on and put him in his potato sack (see prior blog entry). I used to be able to do this while he was laying down. Now, I get my work out trying to put his diaper, night shirt and sack on him. He is such a wiggle butt lately. I normally have to put his diaper on an then reposition it a few times since he struggles and wiggles the entire time. Yes, I have used the trick about letting him play with a toy while I am doing this. Next, I give him a bottle if he did not finish it during dinner. Then, we read a few books until he lets me know that he is ready for bed. His favorite books right now are Sleepy Time (from Aunt Nancy), It's Bed Time, (from Mimi) Counting Kisses (from Grandma H), Pajama Time (from mommy) and Goodnight Moon (from a coworker). I have been reading Goodnight Moon to him since he was a week old.
Then, I turn on his lullaby music and turn off the main light and lamp. I hold him for about 5 minutes in the chair while he starts to drift off to sleep too make sure that he is ready for bed. Then, I put him in his crib on his side. I step back and cross my fingers than he is down for the night.....he usually is. I then join daddy downstairs for some TV before going to bed.

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