Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What's that noise down there, Daddy?

This Blog may seem a little cras for some of you but the story has to be told. So you have been warned.

Today was a busy day and Collin has been nonstop all day long stopping only for 2- 45 minute naps. He Hates being in the car seat and wanted out as soon as I put him in. So when we went to Office Depot today I had to take him out and let him ride in the seat that is part of the shopping basket. Yes I used the seat belt for him. I taught him to hold on to the bar and everything it was kinda cute. He liked it because he could look around and he got a lot of attention from everyone, he likes that. So here is where it gets funny and "Cras" if you will. I really had to go to the bathroom #1 and I was hoping the bathroom was big enough for the basket so I would not have to take him out but alas it was not. So there I was holding my son in my left hand while holding my shirt up and going to the bathroom when our CURIOS son wanted to know AND see what was causing the sounds. So as I am peeing and holding him in one arm he decides to bend way over towards the ground/urinal. I saw this happening in my mind before the episode but it was much funnier when it actually happen.

NO, He did not fall in the urinal and I am proud to say that I was able to catch him and not get a drop on the ground. This is a great time of Collins life and he is learning about everything, Truly Everything.


Collin REALLY Likes the Kitties and any aminal that moves in front of him. Although he does not like it when they do not play with him. I feel sorry for Chloe and Penelope when he learns to crawl and walk they will be in trouble.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Hee hee.. nothing like a little toilet humor..Collin would have to learn about that soon or later.