Sunday, April 20, 2008

Balloon, Balloon!!

The other night when I was getting Collin's dinner ready, I put him in his high chair and rolled him into the kitchen so he could watch me make his dinner. I put his food and bottle on his tray and rolled him back to the spot where we usually feed him. I commented to Chris that I felt like I was at Luby's and rolling Collin in one of the high chairs there. So.....tonight we thought it would be fun to go to Luby's and do just that....I know, I know....don't say it.

Here we are in line about to order. Collin was checking everyone out. Rolling him in line WAS just like rolling him in the high chair at home. Thank goodness there were not that many people in line because it was picture time. Of course, I did have to order the LuAnn platter with the fried fish, mac n' cheese and green beans (trying to encourage Collin to like them. I have a feeling I will be eating A LOT of green beans in the next few years).

Our waitress offered Collin a balloon. He had never seen or played with a balloon before so we thought it would be fun to see what he did. I think we ended up entertaining everyone around us. Collin smiled REALLY big and laughed at the balloon going up and down. I took the balloon and tapped his head and he thought that was hilarious. Then, I talked through the balloon to make my voice sound different. He did not know what to think of that at first but then quickly smiled. He wanted to try it too. He held onto the string and pulled the balloon up and down which made it hit Collin's head on the way down. He did not know that it was him doing that. The balloon was a great idea and provided entertainment for at least 15 minutes. Hey, that's great these days.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Matthew and Collin are definitely living parallel lives. Matthew discovered balloons last week and this weekend. He loves them and tries his hardest to bite it.