Tuesday, April 8, 2008


When I was young, I remember my mother being all excited about the bluebonnets in bloom. We would all have to pile in the car, find a spot that had a ton of bluebonnets, get out of the car and take too many pictures. We never understood what the big deal was. We took pictures of these flowers that we could not pull and take home with us.
So....I am not stopping the insanity. hehehe On the way to work at the bike shop Sunday, I did see a bluebonnet patch. Being the prepared mom that I am, I had the camera with me. I pulled over and was smiling that evil little smile that I have thinking Collin is going to love this.....Well, it did not mind it really. He wanted to know what those things were next to him. I thought for sure he was going to pull one and a passing motorist would see him do it, call the cops and we would be arrested......oh, sorry. Sleep deprivation makes me think crazy things like that. Actually, I think both Collin and I enjoyed being outside for a little bit before we had to get back in the car and then hang at the bike shop for several hours.


Maria said...

We have been looking for bluebonnets for the same purpose. However, I haven't seen nearly as many this year.. glad you found some for these cute photos.

Maria said...

We have been looking for bluebonnets for the same purpose. However, I haven't seen nearly as many this year.. glad you found some for these cute photos.