Friday, January 11, 2008

Rested Family

Night two of Collin sleeping at least 7 hours at night. He went to bed last night after his last bottle at 8:45am and then did not even make a noise until 4:30am. He turned his music toy on by himself a few times, yep, by himself!!!, and then fell back asleep. He did do this a few more times and then did not wake up again until 7:30am. Daddy and I hope this is a trend!! Hey Maria, like Collin's onesie? Hook'em Horns!
Here is a picture later today of Collin and the music toy I talk about above. The little bird on the bottom right of the toy starts the lights and music. Who knows if Collin knew what he was doing when he turned it on but he did it several times early this morning and it soothed him back to sleep. Intentional or not, we were happy he was not ready to get up just yet.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Hee hee.. starting him early with the UT jersy eh? I can't say much. I am so happy that Collin is sleeping through the night. It makes me realize that there is hope for Matthew.