Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Collin, The Observer

Collin is really starting to notice objects and even shadows in the room. We thought that he liked to watch just the ceiling fan go around and around. He is also watching the shadow of the fan go around. Mimi noticed this yesterday when she was watching him. She also said that he was intrigued by the shadow on the wall when she did "shadow puppets" for him.

To save time in the morning, I take my showers at night now. The last two nights, instead of lying in my arms and looking at me after I finish reading his books to him before bedtime, he using his hands to explore my face and is really fascinated with my hair. He is not pulling on it just yet (I know this is coming soon) but he is twirling his fingers through the wet hair to see what it feels like. I can see his eyebrows change and furrow as he does this because he is feeling wet and cold which are probably new sensations to him.

You would think that all of this extra exploration would make him tired at night and sleep more than 4 hours. Nope! He went to bed last night finally at 11:30pm (after a 5 oz bottle) and then woke up at 2am but went back to bed after I "shhh'd" him back to sleep. Then, he woke up at 4:30am and started cooing and making his noises because he was awake. When neither mommy or daddy entered the room to play with him after 20 minutes, he started to cry.....and cry....and cry. I could tell by the last set of cries that he might be a little hungry. "Little" would not be the correct work here. He downed 6 oz and then went to sleep around 5am. That alarm was early when it went off at 6am. Thank goodness he is cute...hahaha

1 comment:

Maria said...

Those roundy-rounds make shadowy shadows.. cool. Collin is looking like a little Chris in this photo. It is amazing how much he has grown.