Saturday, January 19, 2008

Acrobatic Sleeper

Collin continues to amaze us. For instance, we never know what position he will be in when we go to get him out of his crib in the morning. He is NEVER in the same spot that he started in the night before. Most of the time, he has turned 180 degrees around and still has his cover on top of him and even his sleep positioner at his back. Now, how does he do that?!! If he has not turned 180 degrees, he is at least angled to with his feet facing his music soother (see the stories below) and his head on his crib bumper. This time, the covers are off because he has usually turned on his soother sometime early that morning to help him go back to sleep.

He only woke up once last night after going to sleep at 8:45pm. He put himself back to sleep after about about 5 minutes. He finally woke up around 7:15am. He should have been tired. Last night, he "talked" for about 2 hours straight! I was making dinner and included him in the kitchen in his swing. He laid there and talked or screeched the entire time. Daddy knows its true because Collin was doing this when he called to say he was on his way home and Collin was STILL talking when he got home. He even acted like he was answering my questions I was asking him or commenting about how I was cooking.....he better know better than to do that! hahaha

1 comment:

Maria said...

Wow, Matthew is doing this too. It really makes us laugh when he ends up pulling the crib pumper over him, too.