Saturday, December 1, 2007

Social Hour

This morning, Collin and I met Terry and her little girl, Melia, for a walk around Rice University. Melia is 2 1/2 months older than Collin. Terry and I know each other from many road rides together. Anyway, the walk was really nice around the campus. It was hard to believe that we were that close to downtown because it was really quiet and peaceful. Collin enjoyed looking around. After the walk, we wanted to weigh the kids and get some "momma" supplies so we went to A Women's Work. With clothes, Collin weighed 13 lbs and 11 oz. If I guesstimate that his clothes were at least 9 oz, then he has probably gained a pound in 2 weeks. Some growth spurt, huh?

While I was at A Women's Work, Michelle and her son, Brady, came in to get a sling. We had not seen her in awhile so it was good to see her. Then, when Terry and I were feeding our babies, Nathan came in with Addison to weigh her. Who knows...if I stayed all day there how many other people Collin and I know would have come in. It was fun to see everyone today. I felt like Chris when he is out on the town and usually runs into someone he knows.

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