Monday, December 17, 2007

Can I Taste It?

Collin is in the stage of putting everything that he gets in his hand into his mouth. He especially likes one of his burp rags that has now turned into his comfort blanket that we use to sooth him to sleep. Because he is into "tasting" everything, he slobbers and drools a lot these days. He even enjoys blowing bubbles. He was doing that in this picture but, of course, stopped when I tried to capture it. He got bored with his activity gym so I put him in his chair which he really least this week. If I have learned one thing about raising a baby, what works one day, or hour, might not work the next day or hour. hahaha

1 comment:

Maria said...

Hmm, Collin blows bubbles and Matthew makes drool bridges. He sometimes drools on me and then I put him down in the crib and walk across the room. I then notice tha t there is a bridge of drool from one side of the room to another. Perhaps I will blog about this :)