Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Rolling Over

Collin has been consistently rolling over from his belly to his left side and then all the way to his back in the last week. During tummy time, he rarely stays on his tummy these days. He can hold his head up 90 degrees and looks around when he does. He does not fuss immediately either when he is put on his tummy. He likes this for about 15 minutes and then he is ready for a change.

Week 2 of work is going well. I still forget little things like my watch, earrings or cash for lunch. I hope one day I will remember to bring everything. Hey, I have not forgotten Collin, to pack his bag for the day, make sure that he has milk while I am away, bring the pump to work with all of the necessary supplies, or my laptop. Those are a BIG deal if I forget any of these.

Here is a picture of Collin and mommy this morning before I left for work. Happy baby isn't he?

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