Thursday, November 29, 2007

Attention Hog

Today was my day to work from home. My mom came over for most of the day to watch Collin while I worked and was on conference calls. This is the plan for her to come over on Thursdays (or the day I work from home that week) to watch Collin. She had to leave early this afternoon though to take my grandmother to an appointment that was scheduled over a month ago and before I knew which day I was working from home. Well....that's when I ceased to be efficient and able to really work. Collin is an Attention Hog! If I was not in the room with him, he let me know what he thought about that by cooing at first and then yelling for me if the cooing did not get my attention. He played under his gym for a little while which let me work for about 15 minutes at a time. Then, he acted hungry. I got set up to feed him and then he did not want to eat. I would put him back down and then he changed his mind. Spoiled....I know!

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