Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Man with the Beard

On Monday, I took Collin to see Santa at the bike shop. He was not too interested in Santa or what he represented but he sure was interested in tasting Santa's beard. Collin is in that stage of putting everything in his mouth that he can get in his hands. Santa's beard was no exception Monday. He did manage to stick a few strands of the beard in is mouth a little and then make the funniest face that said, "yuck, what did I just put in there". But, he kept trying to eat the beard no matter what it tasted like. Santa kept moving him around and Collin still managed to find his beard. I was proud to see that Collin did not cry and was very happy to be held by a stranger (well, not a stranger because he works at the bike shop).
That night, we went over to some friend's house for dinner. Collin was a hit because he was in a really good mood, laughing and constantly smiling. We thought that would have worn him out and he would have slept most of the night, but he fooled us. I even gave him a tbsp of rice cereal for dinner but he still woke up hungry around 11pm and then again at 5am. We have a growing boy on our hands for sure. Maybe he was waiting up for the man with the beard.

1 comment:

Maria said...

We took Matthew to the shop on Christmas Eve and he had a great time visiting Santa and his family. What a treat. Santa and Ms. Santa were wonderful.. much sweeter than in my favorite Christmas movie... Bad Santa.