Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ceiling Fan Fasication

We recently discovered that Collin LOVES to watch the ceiling fan go round and round. We are happy with this discovery because it's cheap entertainment and Collin does not have that many toys right now. When I am by myself and I need a few more minutes to finish my lunch or get ready to feed him, I can turn on the fan and position him on the floor underneath it. The "roundy-round" (as Dad calls it) captivates him long enough for me to get ready.

Another development (or back track) is Collin does NOT like to be put in his car seat now. For the first 10 minutes or so, he lets me know what he thinks about it by crying and getting mad until I get going in the car. He is fine for the rest of the car trip, thank goodness. He has done this for the past several days. I was hoping that staying at home a day or two would help but it didn't.

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