Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mr. Talkative

I have been reading to Collin since he was a week old. Lately, when I am reading to him, I have to compete with him "talking" to me. He can "talk" for an hour at a time sometimes. I wonder what he is saying besides "thanks for the milk", "when are we eating next?" or "don't change my diaper yet because I am not finished".

Lately, his favorite books are Hands, Hands, Fingers, Thumb, Okie-Dokie Artichokie!, Moo Baa La La La and Ho, Ho, Ho Tucker. I have read several Dr. Seuss books to him but he gets bored halfway through the book so I start there the next time. I love to read to him especially when he lets me know he is interested. I am sure that his recent "discussions" are from all of the reading and talking to him I do. He certainly will fit in with our family and even have competition for being the most talkative.

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