Saturday, October 13, 2012


Timmy spent the night last night!!!  After work, I met Aunt Lisa to pick Timmy up and take him home for what I hoped to be an enjoyable night and Saturday for both him and Collin.  Timmy was asleep when I arrived and slept all the way to our house.  When we arrived, Collin ran out of the house to help Timmy and I get out of the car.  "I can help you unbuckle him Mommy".  After that, the boys were inseparable the rest of the night.  They played really well together and barely stopped to eat dinner.  They started in the playroom, played with Play Doh at the kitchen table, played in the playroom again, ran around the house chasing each other before it was time to have cake at the Jureks for Randy's birthday.  All of that happened within 1 1/2 hours of Timmy and I coming home.  At this point, I could tell that I was going to pass out early tonight (which I did not to my surprise).  After coming back to the house, the boys wanted to watch a movie and did fall asleep in the playroom where they both stay through the night.  Ahhh....quiet....until 6:45am.

The difference this morning was that the boys played together for about 20 minutes until Collin came to get me so I could help rebuild the train track that broke.  I did and slipped back into bed for another 20 minutes when I was woken up again.  I stayed up this time.  After they downed 3 homemade pancakes each, we got out the Halloween decorations and started to put them outside when Daddy joined us.  Then, they wanted to paint the pumpkins.  I thought this might last at least 20 minutes but they got tired of it quicker than it took me to set it up.  They wanted to play outside.  I joined them and cleaned the backyard because it had been at least 3 months.  Lots of pine needles everywhere.  This is when they finally got on each other's nerves. 

After eating very little for lunch, we left for Collin's soccer game in the Jeep.  Timmy loved the wind in his hair. While the kids practiced 20 minutes before the game, Timmy and I practiced soccer too.  He is really good with the ball!  Collin noticed I was not watching him and ran over to give me a 5 minutes warning.  He wanted me to know the game was about to start and I needed to watch him play.  Timmy was not interested in sitting still so I let him play games on the cell phone so he would sit next to me.  Collin did fantastic during the game (of course, because it involved running) and even scored a goal.  After the game, we met a few team mates for ice cream before Timmy had to go home.  Collin and I came home to watch a movie and relax.  He feel asleep within 30 minutes and has been out for almost two hours.  I guess that means he had fun with Timmy.  Maybe we can make this a monthly thing.

Playing with Play Doh at the kitchen table

I think the boys did a great job with the decorations

Timmy did not get much further than this with his pumpkin

Collin showing off his pumpkin before he grew tired of painting.  I am sure it had to do with Timmy not sitting there anymore.

My little jokester.  I love him!

Jeep ride on the way to soccer

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