Friday, October 26, 2012

Pumpkin Patch #2

This morning, Collin went on a field trip to the local pumpkin patch with his Pre-K class.  I took the day off so that I could participate in the fun outing (and knock off a lot of other things on my long list to do). 

It was so fun to watch the kids quickly figure out where they were and disburse through the pumpkins.  The girls knew what to do and started to look for their pumpkin.  The boys did not care and climbed on the wagon, wanted to sit on the saddle and pick at the hay bales. 

The kids also had a good time putting their face in the wooden board that had pumpkins painted on it.  They were getting rough and pushing but had fun.

Collin happy that it was his turn to put his face in the pumpkin hole.

"My turn, my turn!"
Collin took his sweet time to find the perfect pumpkin.  To him, the perfect pumpkin is the one with the longest stem on it.  Nope, not the biggest or the one with the most bumps, it's all about the stem.  He did have to stop and check out every pumpkin that was oozing stuff out of it.  There were not that many because the person was cleaning these up.

"Mommy, this one's heavy.  We don't want it, right?"

Such a happy little boy!

He did it!  Found one with an exceptionally long stem.  Time to stand in line now.

I helped the teacher with the kids getting their money out to pay for them and write their name on the pumpkins.  Collin helped me by putting the pumpkins in the wagon to take back to school.  He would run off and then come back to help a little more.  He even help Elliot find a pumpkin because it was time to go.

Sure is a lot of pumpkins to decorate.  That's William's green one.  He just had to have it.
Before heading back to school, the class stopped to take a few pictures near the pumpkins.  They posed seriously and then really liked making funny faces (I missed that one).

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