Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"Fart begins with 'F' right?"

Collin is learning letters, syllables and rhyming in school. Each week, they work on one letter of the alphabet.  With this letter, they color the letter, sound out words that begin with the letter and even bring a show-n-tell that starts with the letter.  The show-n-tell is fun for them because they bring it in a bag that has 3 clues.  The kids have to guess what's in the bag based on the clues. 

Last night during dinner, I talked to Collin about the letter they were working on this week.  I knew it was "F" based on the email the teacher sent that morning with an update about the class.  I started with:

Mommy:  "Collin, I heard you were learning about the letter "F" this week in school.  Does "chip" begin with "F"?
Collin:  "No"
Mommy:  "Well, then does "table" begin with "F"?
Collin: "No" as he is sounding out the word table
Mommy: "What about "feather""?
Collin:  "Yes, that does begin with "F".  What about "fart"?  That begins with "F", right?"  He then starts laughing so hard that he farts....which made him laugh even more.  I love my boy! 

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