Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Computer Class

Collin has always liked electronics including computers.  He loves looking at pictures, watching videos and tyring to play his games.  He does need help controlling the computer mouse sometimes but it getting better and better at it.

On Mondays, he now has computer class.  Daddy has signed up several times to be the computer parent to assist the teacher during Computer Lab.  Yesterday was Daddy's first day to volunteer.  He said he had a great time observing Collin in class and helping out the other kids.  He heard "Collin's Daddy" a lot during the hour he was there.  He said that Collin was real attentive during class and was one of the few students that was comfortable with the computer, the mouse and what he was was supposed to do during lab.

Here he is sitting on the floor listening to Ms Hansen give instructions before they began the lab (he's the blond in the middle on the right looking at the picture). 

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