Sunday, April 8, 2012

Reunite with Collin and Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

Because Collin's school was closed for Good Friday and I had a triathlon Saturday morning, Collin spent the day and night with Grandma H.  When Daddy dropped Collin off that morning, Collin was not sure what was going on and was acting a little shy.  Grandma H said he was still like that for another 30 minutes but warmed up to her and the new surroundings after that.  They did the following throughout the day:
  • They built not one but TWO forts.  One was in the living room and the other was in his bedroom around the bed frame.
  • He helped her pull weeds in the backyard
  • They rode bikes and she found out that Collin is still afraid of ducks.  When he saw them coming, he hopped off his bike and started running in the opposite direction
  • He helped her unpack more boxes
  • Raced cars on a blanket in the living room
  • ...and had fun playing with each other
That night since Collin did not have a bed yet, he slept with her in her room.  Good thing since we forgot Monkey at our house.  She said he fell asleep quickly and slept through the night. 

When we picked him up, he was not ready to go which was a good sign.  I did get a running hug which I loved.  We stayed for a little while so he could show us his forts and what he did while there.  Daddy snuck in a much needed nap since we were up that morning by 4:30am for the race.  It was worth it because it was a great, fast race and .....I did get 1st Place. 

After coming home, Clayton came over to get ready for the street egg hunt.  There was a neighborhood hunt last Sunday but Collin did not make it because he was still at Tball practice.  There was also one at the church early Saturday morning but I was racing and he was at Grandma H's.  So, we decided to have a street hunt.  All of the kids including the older one participated in the hunt.  Clayton and Collin did not get as many because they spent time shaking each egg as they picked it up to see if there was something in it.  If not, they threw it back down.  Eventually, they figured out that the more eggs they could pick up, no matter if they were empty or not, was fun.  They did find a few confetti eggs that busted on each other. The adults enjoyed watching the kids and catching up.  We have not see much of each other lately because of all of our schedules so it was really nice to catch up and not be in a hurry. 

Clayton, Collin and the Daddy's looking for eggs

Collin thought it was funny that an egg was on his Tball stand

Clayton and Collin finding eggs in the bushes
After hunting for the eggs, the boys came inside to check out what was in each egg.  A few more confetti eggs were in the baskets that were quickly used on each other.  Yep, they made a mess but the laughs were worth it.  I found out that Collin really likes Starburts which is good because he got a lot.  Not much chocolate which made sense because it was hot outside and it might have melted before it was opened.  They boys then played a little while before heading back to their house.  Clayton's Mommy was not here because she is 9 months pregnant with Clayton's sister, Savanah.  She was not feeling well so we were helping her out by entertaining Clayton.

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