Saturday, September 24, 2011

Typical Saturday = Birthday Parties and Friends

Today, we had two birthday parties to attend for three of Collin's friends.  What was great about these parties was that Daddy was able to join us today. 

The first one was for Ella, who was turning 3.  She had a Princess and Prince party.  We were one of the first people to arrive.  When we got there, Collin could see the large jumping castle out the window and immediately wanted to start jumping.  Ella and him and the castle to themselves for about 20 minutes and jumped the entire time.  He was really sweaty when he came out wanting a drink and then went back inside to jump some more.  By then, the other party guest had arrived.  Collin was one of the oldest there.  I could tell that he liked being the older kid and "not the baby anymore".  After jumping and having a small snack plus three drinks, he wanted to swing and climb on the playground equipment Ella had in her backyard.  He really had a great time. 

After 1 1/2 hours, we left for the next birthday party which was for Valerie and Santiago.  She was turning 4 and he was turning 3.  The party was at Pump It Up which is an indoor inflatable playground.  This one allowed adults to play so Daddy joined in on the fun with Collin.  They first played in the bouncing basketball court.  Collin wanted to "play fight" instead of bounce.  They did for a little bit before going to the next inflatable slide.  I think Collin enjoyed that even more because he and Daddy would race down to the bottom.  In the next round inflatable, they found over sized boxing mitts and pushed each other around.  Daddy needed a break from the bouncing and played air hockey with one of the other Dads.  Collin and the other boys played after Daddy lost the first round.  Even though the boys could barely see over the top of the hockey game, they had a blast.

When it was time for cake and snacks, Collin was HUNGRY.  He ate two slices of pizza, a plate full of chips and the entire 3-layer slice of birthday cake.  He was stuffing his cheeks full as fast as he could.  Daddy and I were hoping no one would comment about how we should feed him more often.  He was the last kid out of at least 15 of them to finish eating that his how much he ate.  I could not believe it. 
Look at all that food he shoved in there.  See the large 3-layer cake?

He did not take a nap on the way home but, fortunately for me, did go to sleep before 8:20pm.  Yeah!

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