Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Visitor during Lunch

I met Collin for lunch today because I was working from home. For the last three weeks, I have been traveling and working a lot of hours. I thought he would like the attention and I also wanted to spend some more time with him. I brought a sandwich from Quizno's and he had Salisbury steak, carrots, mashed potatoes and cinnamon pudding. He liked the steak but was not interested in the potatoes or the carrots. Must have been an off day for the carrots since he has eaten these before. He is not a fan of potatoes though...no matter the form of them. I learned that he is not the fastest eater in the class. He is mainly focused on eating but he chews his food for a really long time. He did eventually finish all of the steak he wanted and tried the pudding after he took a TINY lick from the spoon. His face lit up and he said "I really like that Mommy" and ate several more bites but was full. He told me to take the pudding to his house.

While we were sitting there eating, one of his friends came over and asked him if he was going to cry when I left. He said "No, I am not because I am a big boy". I thought to myself "we will have to see". After he cleaned up the place where he was eating and then through his plate away, he got in line to go outside. I asked him for a kiss, he got out of line to give me a kiss and a hug and then told me "bye". He WAS a big boy.

I am so glad I took the time out of my day to have lunch with my son instead of clients.

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