Saturday, November 6, 2010

Charity Walk and a New Friend

Collin and I attended the Juvenile Diabetes 5K walk this morning with my work colleagues. At first, he was shy and wanted to ride in the jogging stroller that I was really happy I brought. Then, he met a buddy named William. He is a 4 year old son of a colleague. They got along really well and talked to each other along the walk. Collin would show William something he could do and then William would do it and then show Collin something. They then wanted to get out of the strollers and walk which REALLY slowed us down. If William had to go potty, then Collin did and vice versa. Collin liked looking down the hole in the port-o-potty and asked me lots of questions about it when all I wanted to do was get out of there in a hurry. At the end of the walk, there were more than five bounce houses for the kids to play in. They boys played and jumped in these for over an hour. Collin had fun diving from the side and landing in the middle. Thankfully, the bounce house did not have too many kids in it at the time he was doing this.

Finally, Collin got tired and needed a drink which was my opportunity to move him away from the bounce houses. My company brought out boxed lunches which was perfect timing....Collin and I were getting hungry. He, of course, had to sit by William and wanted to eat the same type of sandwich. Collin did end up eating the entire turkey and cheese sandwich and the banana included with his lunch. This was after he polished off a box of raisins and Nilla wafers. The bounce house must have made him hungry.

We then went to my office for a little bit to pick up some papers and meet with a coworker to discuss tax returns (yes, that time of year....still). Collin did great while we were there. Here he is coloring with my highlighters on some paper. When we were cleaning up, he stacked these together and wanted me to bring them home. Maybe he was not finished with his art work yet?

After leaving my office, we went home thinking he would need a nap. He wanted to play outside which we did for about an hour. We threw the football to each other and then he started a game he likes to play often.....of throwing the tennis balls on top of the roof and wait for them to roll back down.

He then dug in the dirt a little bit while I put away the Halloween decorations/lights in the front yard. He told me that he was making me pancakes. I don't think that syrup will make dirt pancakes taste good. This at least occupied him long enough for me to finish the front yard.

I then made dinner so Mr. No Nap could eat. I underestimated how hungry he was. He ended up having nine chicken nuggets, some pasta and a drink. This was after a snack of six peanut butter crackers just an hour earlier. Maybe a growth spurt?

We have friends in town spending the night that came over just as Collin was about to fall asleep while he was finishing his last nugget. This woke him back up for another 2+ hours until he finally passed out a little after 10pm. I hope he sleeps in for his sake. What a long, but fun day he had.

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