Friday, November 19, 2010

Monkey is a Baby

Tonight before we started reading some books before bed, Collin stood up and put Monkey under his shirt. I asked him what Monkey was doing under there and this is what was said:

Collin: "He is in my tummy"
Mommy: "What is he doing in there?"
Collin: "He is resting in there. He is a baby"

He then put his hand under his shirt and said that he gave Monkey a toy to play with. He did it again and said that he gave Monkey some cranberries (remember, these are gummy fruits to Collin) because he was hungry. After a few minutes, he stuck his hand back under his shirt to get the bag the cranberries came in to throw it away in the make-believe trash can sitting next to him. He then stood up to get another book and made sure Monkey stayed in his shirt. He was proud that Monkey did not fall out because he said, "See, he did not fall out. He is sleeping now so let's get in bed". Yep, it was that easy. Collin and Monkey crawled into bed.....but took another hour to fall asleep. What an imagination!

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