Friday, March 14, 2008


Most of you know that Collin has been shaking his head back and forth since he was 2 - 3 weeks old. We thought at first that he was swaddled too tight (hey, new parents. We did not know if the swaddle could be too tight or not. He did not turn blue at least!) After we stopped swaddling him around 4 months, he would STILL shake his head back and forth. It did not matter if he was about to go to sleep, just waking up, in his car seat or about to take a nap. We would see him do this and it would make us, he would do it again. I read that this is a comfort mechanism for him and that might be why he does it.

Now that he is sitting up on his own he is STILL doing it while keeping his balance. He even does it while he is on "tummy time". We will now ask him questions like, "do you want to do some tummy time" and he will shake his head. Coincidence? We don't know. He will do this to the majority of questions we ask him.

Hmmmmmmm.....I wonder if this is a trend for latter when he really does mean "no"? We won't think it's so cute then.

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