Friday, March 28, 2008

I love his hair!

That is what almost everyone says about Collin when they see him and his hair. He does have a lot more hair than I expected he would at 7 months. What I did not expect was for it to stick straight up on top like it does. I guess it's payback for me because I used to make fun of babies I saw that had hair like this. Now that Colin has it though, I love it! The only time it is not sticking up is when it's wet or after Collin has drank a bottle. Why is that you say? It's because Collin is like his daddy and Grandma H.....his sweat glands work overtime. Most of the time after he has finished a bottle, his hair is wet with sweat. I like to pat his hair down to see how long it really is.

Maria, Matthew's mom, likes Collin's hair so much that she and her husband named Matthew's new stuffed animal he got on Easter after Collin. She said it was because Collin's (1) is cute, (2) is blonde, and (3) he has spikey hair. I had to laugh when I read about it on her blog. Here is a picture of Matthew and Collin the duck.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Yep, love the spikey hair Collin! Hee hee.. sucking down a bottle is hard work.. Matthew sweats a lot too... But both his mom and dad sweat