Tuesday, September 27, 2016

3rd Grade Progress Report

Hard to believe it's been 9 weeks of school already.  I am sure Collin does feel that way but it feels like to me that he just started last week. Based on the graded assignments coming home in his daily folder, we had an idea of how he was doing.  Plus, Dad talks to the teacher and she said he was doing good in Reading.  I had not seen much improvement but maybe that meant he was status quo.

His 9-week progress report came home yesterday.  He received S in is Social Skills, Work Habits and completing his assignments.  It's not an E but an S is acceptable in the Holmes house.  His grade so far are:
  • Writing - 88:  Not bad.  He does need to practice on punctuation but he is much better than last year
  • Reading - 80:  Well, if he is doing good, an 80 is not that great.  What else can we be doing?
  • Oral Language - 90:  Not surprised there. He is communicative and can regularly find words to express himself....even when we don't want him to
  • Spelling - 99:  Wahoo!  Great job buddy!  We do practice spelling words during the week but he generally gets them all right the first time.  Maybe they practice them in class too which would help.
  • Math - 92:  Still getting good grades in math.  This would be a higher score if he would slow down when reading the word problems.  He is MUCH better at this than last year.  Dad printed off some math worksheets for him to work on during math homework when he gets home.  I think this is really helping him.
  • Social Studies - 78:  Lowest grade.  What is this all about?  How do we increase this baby?  Maybe it has to do with his reading the question when he is answer it?  We have no idea but will be sure to ask during the parent conferences scheduled in a month.  Not sure I can wait that long.  I'll email the teacher to see what's driving that score.
  • Science - 96:  Great job!
  • Handwriting - E:  He has always had really good handwriting.  Glad to see he is keeping this up.
  • Art - E:  Maybe he takes after his mommy?
  • Music - E
  • Heath/Fitness - S
The only comments the teacher had were:  "We are off to a great start.  Please remember to practice math facts and read daily."  I think she included this one on all of the reports.  Seems to have no personalization unlike the reports we have seen from his other teachers. 

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