Thursday, September 22, 2016

Custom Made Bed

Maybe Collin will grow up to be an interior designer.  The last several nights, he has arranged his bed with pillows (several confiscated from our bed), blankets and stuffed animals to create a "comfort zone" for us to cuddle up on while reading at night before going to bed.  The first several nights, I had to stay out of the room while he was designing before he allowed me to walk in with my eyes closed (he guided me which was some of the fun) before I opened my eyes for the big reveal.  Each night, we discussed what we really liked about the design, how comfortable it was and what we would want to change for the next time. He did use the words "heavy" and "big" to describe me but I tried not to feel too fat after these descriptions.  He was trying to say that it was hard to figure out how to fit both of us on the twin bed comfortably with all of the stuff on it. 

I don't have pictures of the prior designs but did take a picture last night.  This was different because he involved me in the design this time.  He gave me a piece of paper and told me to 1) draw a design and 2) let him know how many pillows, blankets, etc. were needed. I drew this:

The part in front of the bed is the trundle bed pulled out slightly so we could have a foot rest.  My legs get sore all curled up on the bed for 20 - 30 minutes while I am in the room with I was selfishly thinking of me.  When I explained the design to him, he was excited to start working on it.  After about 10 minutes, he lead me blinded into the room and this is what he came up with:

My side of the bed....
Collin's side of the bed....
...and the entire bed.  Notice the camo sheet hanging from the wall.  This is his little hiding area on the other side of the bed.
I love how we had two monkeys in the bed with us.  The monkey that has been with Collin since he was born and his "lovely" was covered and smiling.  I also had a pillow given to me before I went through chemo.  I pulled this from the guest bedroom and made a point to mention this pillow and how he thought I would really like it for the back of my neck.  VERY sweet of him to think of that because he has seen me take a small pillow before and put it behind my neck when we sit on the bed against the wall.

This design WAS comfy and the perfect place to continue to read Halloween books.  He does not know what he is wearing but he is ready for Halloween, trick-or-treating and ....CANDY!

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