Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Non-Technology Fun

Taking a break from the computer and iPad, we spent several nights last week, after homework (I am not that crazy!), playing with toys in the playroom or the TV room.  What a concept!  Collin had the idea of playing with the matchbox cars and building a twisting track to race the cars.  I then got the idea to include dominos at the end to see if a car could make it down the track and knock them down.  Only one car made it...after at least 20 attempts but we did have success.....and a lot of fun doing it.

Here is one that did not knock the dominos down but at least made it to the end.  Most of the other cars did not make it past the loop.  I am not sure why because there are at least 10 cars that usually do.

The next night, we just worked on the dominos building different designs.  Here is the one I came up with:

Collin had a great idea of using the table because it was flat compared to the slatted wood floor.  While I was building my side, he also had the idea of the dominos falling off the table and then to the floor to start a new domino track.  Great idea.....and it worked!

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