Monday, September 19, 2016

Collin, The Deep Thinker

There are times I look over at Collin and wonder what he is thinking because he looks like he is in deep thought.  I could be because he is about to fall asleep or he is just bored.  Whatever he is doing, there are not many times that he is not moving around, talking or being very active somehow.

Here he is at school during lunch last week.  Is he:
  • Wishing he had the Welch's fruit chews instead of his friend?
  • Wondering what game he and his "crew" are going to play during recess?
  • Wondering what day it is.  Is there football practice after school?
  • Hoping a friend will come over to play after school?

What's even cuter is how he fell asleep one night last week.  He has not slept with his stuffed animals or other pillows in a long time...mainly because he was still wetting his bed and we did not want to have to wash or throw away any of his favorite stuffed animals.  Now that he has still been dry at night (SOOO thankful for this), he has started to pull his animals back into bed with him.  On this particular night, he made a wall with his blankets on the outside edge of his bed.  I thought I would see him sleeping within that wall when I came in to check on him that night.  Nope, the wall was on the floor and he and Big Monkey were positioned like this:

Monkey's arm was over Collin and Collin was sleeping with his arm propped under his chin.  Maybe he was watching his hermit crabs crawl around while he was listening to a book on CD.  He really likes Skippy John Jones - In the Dog House.  I have that one memorized so I have tried switching it out with either Caps for Sale or  I Love You, Stinky Face but Skippy John Jones finds its way back into the CD player...probably because it's about a dog.  Anyway, he saw the picture in the morning and could not remember what he dreamt about the night before.  At least he had a good night's rest.

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