Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Bye Grandma H. We Love You!

I am so glad that Collin and I went to see Grandma H last night briefly to tell her that we love her and about what we did for the weekend.  Collin held her hand and leaned in to say "I love you Grandma H" and then I leaned in and whispered that "We are going to be OK.  We love you very much."  Daddy stayed longer and then came home briefly to get a pillow to go back to spend the night with Grandma H.  Collin had put a pillow for Daddy to take off to the side of the bed and then left a stuffed animal, Clifford, to bring with him back to sleep with Grandma H.  It was SO sweet that he did that. 

Daddy went back to the nursing home while I put Collin to bed.  Collin took his usual time getting to bed so I did not hear my cell phone ringing.  It was Daddy calling to let me know that Grandma H had passed.  She was breathing harder like she had been earlier that day.  Then, she started breathing slower and then took one last breath.  This was about 15 minutes after her other son called to say that he made it home safely.  So, I would like to think she felt like she could go because we all saw her and said we loved her. 

We waited to tell Collin tonight after school and football practice.  He took the news fine.  He did cry and say that he loved her so much even more than Burke.  He was really said that he did not get to tell her how much he loved her.  We reminded him that we did.  He was still sad because he said he could not talk to her anymore.  We showed him how he could and got off his bed and leaned to the side.  Daddy started talking to her first and then Collin said he loved her.  We hated to see him cry but he cheered himself back up for us to read books before I laid with him in bed.  He did not talk about her anymore. 

We love you Grandma H.  So glad you are not hurting anymore.