Friday, August 29, 2014

Everything is Awesome

Collin had a great first week of school.  How do we know?  He did not complain when waking up in the morning that he had to get ready for school like he did several times last school year.   He has generally been in a good mood and cooperative in the mornings.

In the afternoons after getting off the bus, we asked:

Us:  "How was your day at school?"
Collin:  "Awesome!"
Us:  "How is your new teacher?"
Collin:  "Awesome!"
Us:  "What about your new friends?"
Collin:  "Awesome!"

I would have preferred more description but I guess I should not complain that he responded with enthusiasm every time...and no, he was not being a smarty-pants about it.

Unlike his friends, he has energy when he gets home.  He has swam at a friend's house (Jacob S), played with neighbors (Saige and Linden) and played games at the house.  No matter what we have done to wear him out a little, he has still gone to bed after 8:30pm and sometimes closer to 9:30pm this week.  With daily and regular visits to see Grandma H and with my upcoming tax deadline, we are all exhausted when we get home....except the 1st Grader.  Let's see what happens when he starts bringing home homework.

One week down.....

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