Tuesday, August 6, 2013

"Who Tooted?"

To prepare Collin for Kindergarten and help him with his letters, we hired one of the Kindergarten teachers to work with him the next three weeks for 45 minutes every day.  Her plan is to work for 30 minutes and then play a game for the last 15 minutes to keep him interested.

Daddy said that Collin started to tear up when he picked him up from camp and explained that he was going to see a tutor.  Collin was not interested in doing any work.  I am not too surprised by his reaction. 

When it was time to pick him up, Daddy and I road our bikes over to get him.  They were just wrapping up his first session.  The teacher, Ms Rincon, explained that Collin is really smart but lacks confidence.  She plans to help him work through this over the next several sessions.  He knew 75% of his letters.  She was not surprised because she expected him to not recall some of his letters since it was the summer. 

When we were ready to leave, Daddy asked, "Did you like your tutor, Ms Rincon?"  Collin said, "Who tooted?"....and he was serious.  We tried to explain what a tutor was but he was stuck on Tooted.  At least he did not know that "tooted" was another word for farted.  He would not have been able to control himself.

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