Sunday, March 18, 2012

Watching Mommy Race

This morning, we woke up Collin to watch me race in my first triathlon of the season.  We left the house just before 6am.  As we were pulling out of the neighborhood, Collin announced, "I did not get enough rest to run fast this morning" as he was rubbing his eyes.  That was his way of saying "Why, oh why, are we up so early?"

I loved having Collin...and Mimi showed up later, to watch me race.  Daddy has seen me many times before but it was Mimi's first and Collin's second time.  They were right there cheering me on when I got out of the water, heading out and coming in on the bike and then heading out and crossing the finish line.  Collin ran up and gave me a huge hug which I really loved...and then immediately asked me, "Will you play with me Mommy?"  Guess he did not understand that I just fully exerted myself for 1:24 hours. 

Waiting for me at the swim finish

Patiently waiting for me to get out of the water.  I was one of the last ladies to get out.

Here I am FINALLY out of the water getting out of my wet suit

Here I am getting on my bike to start the 12 miles

Turning around for a second loop on the bike

After the race and while we were still there, Collin and I did play together with his cars and other toys he brought.  We were waiting for the awards.  I did not win one this time, I got 4th in my age group, but we wanted to be there when other Tri Club members received their award.  Collin got hungry and was not interested in the snacks we packed.  He found the food section for the racers and must have eaten at least an orange and a half of orange slices.  Later that day when we went to the grocery store, he wanted me to get some oranges.  He was also too funny when he saw that several people were walking around with an award.  He asked me where mine was.  I said that I was not fast enough to get one.  Later, I introduced him to someone I knew that did get an award.  He told her "My mommy did not get one of those because she was not fast enough".  Thanks Collin!

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