Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saige and Linden, so close now!

Saige and Linden are neighbors now!  They moved it to the house at the end of our street where Luke, Max and JP lived.  Collin really liked playing with the boys so I thought he would be said when he realized that they would not be coming out to play anymore.  NOPE!  He kept asking me yesterday when Saige was going to move in.

The girls spent the night with a friend so that they would not have to be at the house when the moving truck arrived.  Collin and I came over to help unpack some...and at least set up the playroom so that it would be ready when the girls arrived.  When they did, Collin stood at their front door and watched them get out of the car.  Their Mommy was there too.  They got out of the car, ran straight past their Mommy and gave Collin a hug.  They immediately wanted to play together, laughing the entire time.  I guess they do not miss their old house.  Not long after they arrived, the discovered that the boys left their trampoline in the backyard.  Saige, Linden and Collin had a great time on it jumping, doing cartwheels and forward rolls.  For some reason, I got caught yelling out "red", "green" or "yellow" for them to stop, go or slow down when they were jumping.  We all eventually got hungry and went to eat at a local Mexican restaurant.  Collin almost fell asleep in his chair but picked up some energy again somehow and woke back up.  Dinner was great.  When we were leaving, Collin announced that it was a race.  He loves to race at whatever he does.  We DID beat the Jureks home.  I am glad he did not ask to go over to their house.  It was time for bed and Mommy was tired from her ride this morning and unpacking a lot today.

I wonder when he wakes up tomorrow how many minutes it will take him to ask, "Can I go over to Saige's house and play?"

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