Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Cards

Collin exchanged Valentine's Day cards at school today with his 26 other classmates.  He brought Toy Story themed cards enclosed with a sticker and a silly straw.  I did not want to include candy because I knew that many other kids would be including candy with their cards.  In the prior years, some of the mother's went what I would call overboard with the cards and or the treat they included with the card such as homemade goodies, custom ordered cookies or homemade cards.  I knew that this might be a possibility this time but also knew that these mother's had more time.  Either way, Collin was not too interested in what he brought to school but what he got from the other kids.

Here he is going through his "loot" looking for tattoo stickers and then candy.  Unlike last year, most of the cards did not include anything extravagant.  I was actually shocked to see this.  Collin was the only one that gave a straw.  Based on his reaction when he saw the straws as I was making the cards this weekend, I bet some of the other kids were excited to see this when they went through their Valentine cards tonight.  Collin also liked the chocolate and then the suckers.  He was not interested in the homemade cards that did not include anything with them...and there were a lot of these this year. 

Collin also brought home is artwork from Spanish class with a Valentine Day theme.  He had to stick on the number of hearts associated with the Spanish number.  I thought he did great!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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