Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Feliz dia de la Amistad

Collin seems to really enjoy Spanish class.  He now regularly counts to 10 in English and Spanish.  Most of the time, he counts in both languages.  For example, I ask him "How many cars should we play with?" and he will reply "Uno, dos, tres, quatro" and then say "four". 

While eating dinner last night, he started saying his A, B, Cs in Spanish.  He got all the way to D and then started all over again.

Here is one of the Valentine Day cards he made for me in Spanish class.  The front of the card says "Feliz dia de la amistad" (which translates to Happy Valentine's Day in English).  Inside the card says "I love you!".  He proudly handed me the card which I took to work this morning.  I love you too Collin!

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