Sunday, February 12, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's that time of year again at work when I get really busy.  I worked 60 hours last week so there was not too much time with Collin during the week....which I did not like.  I could tell that he missed me too.  Friday morning, he woke up early and let me know that I did not need to go to work and then left to the living room.  When he came back, he looked at me, then folded his arms across his chest, stuck his lower lip out and said "You need to take your work clothes off and put your play clothes on.  I don't want you to go to work today".  Ugh....I did not either but needed to.  I told him that I was the one picking him up today and that we would spend lots of time with each other the next two days.  He was OK with this only after I gave him several kisses and a hug.  By this time, I was actually giving "Kitty" a hug and not Collin.  "Kitty" wanted to watch a movie until Daddy woke up .  I put a short movie on, kissed "Kitty" again and then left for work.

Later that night, I picked him up from school and came back home ready for the Jureks sisters to come over and play with him.  They played together great in the playroom until the pizza arrived.  It was the wrong pizza so we had to think of something for the kids to eat while the correct pizza was made and delivered.  We did keep one of the pizzas and pulled off the wrong ingredients.  This helped because the kids were getting cranky because we knew they were hungry.  They then went back to play but tattle telling and fighting started.  No wonder, it was close to 8pm and the Jureks girls are usually in bed by then.  After they left, Collin took a bath, put his PJs on and then we laid on the couch to watch Dinosaurs.  I was not sure I would make it through the movie because I was exhausted from the week.  I had Collin lay in front of my on the same couch hoping he would fall asleep....which he did in about 15 minutes.  I moved him to his room and then I went to bed.  Daddy was in class and was not home yet.

Saturday morning, I went for a bike ride freezing my butt off in the wind.  When I got back, Collin and Daddy where at the back of the driveway using the colored chalk to make planets, stars and space ships.  I got cleaned up from the bike ride, Daddy went to work and Collin and I went outside to play.  Soon, the neighbor boys came out to play too.  It quickly turned into "chase Collin's mom and throw a ball at her".  I was having a blast with the kids doing this...and getting a great workout.  7, 6 and two 4 year old boys are QUICK!  Collin laughed and then yelled out a few times, "I hit my Mommy in the butt with a ball" so I knew he was having fun.  We met Daddy later for lunch, ran a few errands and then came back home.  Five minutes before we pulled up to the house, Collin fell asleep.  I unloaded the car and then came to get Collin.  He woke up only briefly to tell me "I'm.....not.......tired" and then fell asleep for a 3 hour nap.  I got some work done during this time waiting for Daddy to get home.  We went out to eat and them came home to watch a new movie that Daddy rented called Rio about a blue macaw bird and his friends.

Sunday, we stayed inside most of the day other than groceries and another errand because it's 35 degrees outside and Collin has a stuffy nose (probably from playing outside yesterday morning). 

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