Monday, November 21, 2011

Florida - Day 2

We are having a great time so far.  Mommy and Courtney are getting up in the morning to run along the beach.  It was MUCH harder than expected to run along the water in the sand.  We finally took our shoes off and ran barefoot.  It was much easier that way but still a great work out.  Yesterday morning, we ran 3.5 mi.  This morning, we ran 4 mi in less time. 

Today was a beautiful day.  Unlike yesterday where it took most of the day for the clouds to blow off, it started out as a cloud-free day by the time we got up.  After eating breakfast, we were on the beach.  We did not leave until 4pm only because some of us wanted to shop before a store closed and then it was time for dinner.  Otherwise, most of us were out on the beach.  Collin played with Caroline most of the time in the sand.  He got in the water a few times but was happier to spend time in the sand.  He and Daddy had fun burying each other.  Daddy buried my feet and the cold, soft sand felt great.  Collin did get hungry for lunch so we went inside to eat and then relax. He did finally fall asleep so I went back outside while Daddy watched Collin.

After taco dinner (we plan to cook most nights because it's easier for 14 people), the boys went outside to hunt crabs.  Yes, it was dark.  They brought their flashlights and walked along the water to watch the crabs scurry back into the water.  Here is one of the crabs.  It was much bigger than I expected it to be.

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