Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Dentist Appointment?..... Nope

This morning, I took Collin to his first dentist appointment. He knew where he was going because I told him last night. Even after breakfast, he told me he was ready to get dressed because "I am going to the dentist".

We arrive at the dentist's office and he was fine. There is a TV in the waiting room that shows advertising for Veneers. He was interested in watching this and checking out the waiting area....until the hygienist came in. He did not want to go back with her. She told him about dinosaur toys she and that peeked his interest. He was doing OK but not overly excited about what she was saying and then the dentist came out to see him. She was asking him questions about his teeth and he would answer her. She was concerned about his front two teeth because of how they developed. They were damaged when they came in so she wanted to know if they were sensitive or hurt him. He said no to her. She decided not to "tickle" his teeth (meaning clean them) because she did not want to push him and wanted his first experience to be as good as it could be. I had an appointment with the other dentist so Collin came with me to watch me get my teeth "tickled" and watched a movie with a monkey at the dentist. He really liked this and asked a lot of questions. He did ask the dentist a few times what she was doing when she was cleaning my teeth. She explained before she started the next procedure what she was about to do. I could not see him since I was laying down but she said that he was paying attention.

We will have to try again in six months.

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