Sunday, September 20, 2009


Tonight, after bath and brushing his teeth (naked), Collin wanted to wear his panties. I was not sure what he was saying so I asked him to say it again. He said "panties" and pulled out his underwear from the basket in the armoire. I guess he knows panties from school since most of the girls in the class are potty-trained. I amused him and put on the underwear but was sure to tell him that he was wearing underwear. Panties are for girls. Here he is closing the door after I put the underwear on.

The problem now was that he did not want to take them off. Boy, I had not really thought that one through when I put them on. We read a few books and even put a PJ shirt on. He would not let me put a diaper on to then put PJ bottoms on. I tried explaining that he needed to wear a diaper to bed but he did not care (I know, trying to reason with a toddler is futile but I did it anyway...probably to make myself feel better since I knew he would be mad when I took the underwear off). I ended up switching the underwear for a diaper in the midst of an angry toddler. He did calm down enough to tell me that he wanted a different blanket than the two he had in his bed...he did pick these out but he must have gotten tired of them after a week. I let him pick a red blanket out, he then laid down, asked me to cover him up, grabbed Monkey and started to play with his tail (Collin's relaxing move). I was glad the angry episode did not last long. He quickly went to sleep.

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