Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Collin's Phrases

I know that every toddler learning to talk might not say the word or phrase correctly after several tries. Collin has some really interesting combinations of words that he insists on using even though we respond with the correct phrase or purposely over enunciate the phrase when we use it. Some of his favorites are:

"rightie down there" = Collin uses this when he means "right there", "over there", "there it is" or "there" even though he is not pointing down at something or some one.

"open shut" = means to open.....and don't make the mistake of shutting it after you have opened it for him or he has opened it.....he does not mean shut.

He recently started using "don't". While it's better than "no", it still means that he is not interested in what you are trying to do or get him to do....since HE did not come up with the idea himself.

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