Sunday, September 20, 2009

Melia's House

Today, Daddy, Collin and I went to Melia's house for lunch and to swim in her backyard. It's been two months since the kids have seen each other but you would not have known it. Sometimes it takes Collin a little while to "warm up" to people he has not seen in awhile. Not today. Him and Melia acted as if they were old pals. She was busy showing him her stuffed animals and then the two of them raced around the house on Melia's riding toys.

For lunch, they attempted to each chicken, broccoli, cheese tortellini and grapes. Collin ate everything but the tortellini....yes, event he broccoli. I have tried that one before with the same results. Other mom's of toddlers know that it can be an adventure trying to figure out what to feed your toddler besides pizza, chicken nuggets, fries or fruit.

After lunch, we read a few books. Collin got bored and walked to the back door. He shouted "pool" and "water". We asked if he was ready to get in and he said "yes" we did. Both kids had fun jumping in the water and then swimming to the steps, with help, to do it over again...and over, and over again. Collin got out, said "cold" and started to play with the toy lawn mower that makes bubbles. It was then time to go. Before we did, Collin got a kid tattoo on his arm of a skull and fire because Melia had two of them on her arm. Here is so-so picture of him showing it to me. He either starred at it or wanted to show it to someone most of the rest of the day.
Grandma Holmes and the Petersen's, the shirt is for you. Go Horns!!!

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