Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gas Powered?

Apparently, our son is learning quickly what's is like to be a Holmes. We have noticed lately (it' probably been the entire time) that he is a little gaseous. It's been really noticeable in the last week though. When I took him to the pool Sunday afternoon with Maria and Matthew, it was not his "raspberries" I was hearing. He was making bubbles another way. I thought for sure I was going to see a surprise when I took his swim diaper off....but there was nothing there. (Thank you!!! I could not imagine changing a wet swim diaper full of poo....I am sure I will one day soon though). Mom also noticed this week that he is a little toot. She wrote in one of her summary emails about her day and keeping him: "At least twice he did not go to sleep or was awaken by his farts that were louder than a drunken sailor."

Daddy's proud of his son...."that's my boy!!!"

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