Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tummy Time Update

Collin is very active these days on his tummy. He does not stay in one spot very long. He either immediately starts turning in a circle or starts to back up. In the middle of doing either one of these, he pushes up on his arms as high as he can (what I call Up Dog...from yoga). He then will rest a bit with his arms and legs up off the ground and only touching his tummy to the floor (what we call either Airplane or Skydiving...which we borrowed from Matthew's parents). The majority of the time though, he will end up off the blanket or wherever he originally started. He is currently in back up mode. Daddy read that this is because it's easier right now to back up instead of using his hands to push him forward because his legs are heavy right now.

Where he started before the video.....

Where he ended up less than 10 minutes later.....

1 comment:

The Karg Family said...

Collin is soo adorable. I can't believe how much he is growing and changing. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you have a real cutie on your hands. I love your blog and check it all of the time. Thanks for posting!